Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Griffith writing tip #2: An audience of one

I started off with with a specific tip to improve your writing: eliminate "just" and "very."

Here's a general one that can transform your writing in a minute from the mundane to the captivating: write your book for one person.

It's tempting to think of your book's being swept off bookshelves around the country as thousands of people submerge themselves in a best-selling book—by you! That may happen, but when somebody picks up your book and begins reading, it's a one-on-one experience. Write your book the way it will be sold—to one person at a time.

Imagine that person as your typical reader for the book. This person has characteristics such as gender, age, occupation, education, geography, and most important—interest in what you have to say. Draw a picture of that person in your mind and direct everything you have to say to him or her.

When you focus on one person, your book automatically commands a broader market. Why? Because...
  1. You give more of yourself when you expend yourself on an audience of one.
  2. Your one reader at a time feels personally involved in whatever you have to say.
  3. The book's intense relationship with one reader captures the attention of others.
Your book will be stronger when it can meet the specific needs of your reader. Invite this imaginary person to your writing sessions.

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